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Top 3 Causes of HVAC Airflow Problems

Proper airflow is a vital part of ensuring your Pine Bluff, Arkansas, home stays comfortable year-round. HVAC airflow problems can reduce comfort and lead to higher utility bills — problems no homeowner wants. Here are the top three causes of HVAC airflow problems.

A Dirty Filter

One of the most common causes of poor airflow is a problem with your filter. The air filter plays a key role in your HVAC’s performance. It helps to remove airborne pollutants. If your filter is dirty, it will have a harder time removing contaminants from the air. Additionally, it can also result in contaminant buildup in your HVAC system. Eventually, the system will have a hard time moving air. This will lead to slower airflow, increased energy usage, and higher energy bills as your system struggles to keep up with the demands of your household. Change your filter regularly to avoid this problem.

Wrong Filter

Another issue that can impede airflow is a filter that is the wrong size or capacity. If the filter you’re using is too large or small for the designated slot, it can affect filtration capabilities. Filters have ratings — also known as their MERV or Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. High ratings mean the filter can capture even microscopic particles. However, fine-mesh filters aren’t ideal for all units. Be sure to consult the system’s manual or contact us for advice before purchasing your filter. If you need more filtration power in your home, consider an air purifier.

Leaky Ducts

If your ductwork has cracks or gaps, you may end up with air leaking into your attic or crawlspace. This leads to weaker airflow coming through the vents. You will find it more difficult to maintain comfortable temperatures. You could also experience energy waste and problems with air quality. Leaky ductwork can lead to more debris and pollutants in your home. Dust and other particles easily make their way into your home and can affect HVAC efficiency.

If you’re concerned about the airflow in your home, contact Pine Bluff Heating & Air at 870-275-4006. We’ll be happy to help you set up an appointment!

Image provided by Bigstock

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