4 Signs of an Inefficient HVAC System
Your HVAC system is the most important thing to the climate and air quality in your home. If it isn’t running efficiently, it could make your home less comfortable and safe and drive your utility bills through the roof. Use the following three indicators to know when your HVAC system in Redfield, AR, is running inefficiently:
Thermostat Reading is Inaccurate
If you feel like your thermostat isn’t reading properly, bring an external air thermometer into the room and compare the temperatures. If it’s reading too high, your air conditioner could be running unnecessarily. A bad reading could also cause the HVAC system to shut off inadvertently if you have a smart thermostat.
Air Filters Appear Dirty
Check your air filters regularly to see if they appear dirty or clogged. If they are, it makes it much harder for your HVAC system to pump air throughout the house, making it less efficient. Clogged air filters also lower your air quality because that particulate gets into the air.
Electric Bills Are Much Higher Than Usual
Are you noticing that your energy bills are 20% or higher than they were at the same time the year before? If you are, it’s a clear sign that your air conditioner is being overworked. You should have your air conditioner inspected immediately to see the root cause of this problem.
HVAC System is Running Constantly
Is your air conditioner always running, even when the house feels cold enough? Something is triggering this issue, and it means there is some kind of inefficiency in your system somewhere. A bad temperature reading causes this.
If you think your HVAC system isn’t running as efficiently as usual, call Pine Bluff Heating & Air for help with cooling or heating repairs. We’re standing by to help you right away.
Image provided by iStock
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