4 Signs Your Heat Pump is Low on Refrigerant in Star City, AR
Refrigerant refers to the vital chemicals within your heat pump that allow it to provide heating and cooling. Your system won’t usually lose any refrigerant unless it’s struggling with damage or a lack of maintenance. Here are a few signs that your heat pump in Star City, AR, may not have enough refrigerant:
Gurgling Sounds
Listen for any loud gurgling sounds coming from your system when it kicks on to deliver heat. There may be a hole in the refrigerant line that’s allowing air into the system. Call for HVAC maintenance immediately to limit the impact on the system and the environment.
Little Heating or Cooling Output
Your heat pump’s refrigerant is essential to its normal functions. Without enough of this chemical mixture, your system may not be able to produce as much heating or cooling as before. Leaving your heat pump on even when it doesn’t have sufficient amounts of refrigerant may lead to further damage.
Pools of Liquid
Spring is often the time for homeowners to check around their heat pumps for any external changes or nests. Pooling liquid around your system could mean there’s a nearby water source causing problems or an issue with the refrigerant.
Presence of Ice
Low refrigerant levels are one of the leading causes behind ice formation in heat pumps. This chemical helps your system’s evaporator coil safely absorb heat. An iced-over heat pump can’t efficiently provide temperature control or protect your home from the elements.
If your heat pump doesn’t have enough refrigerant, it may begin leaking liquid or making gurgling sounds. There’s also a strong possibility it won’t be able to produce the heating or cooling your family needs. Contact Pine Bluff Heating & Air for exceptional heating repair service in Star City, AR. We look forward to helping you save your heat pump.
Image provided by iStock
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